Care-Based Safety: Designing an unarmed response program for Washtenaw County

Building on the work of the Coalition to Re-Envision Our Safety (CROS), Ryan has worked alongside various organizers, visionaries and activists on designing the Care Based Safety program to implement our collective dream of a future rooted in community care in Washtenaw County.

art by Luna Hughson

“Everyone in our community needs someone they feel safe calling for help. For too many of our neighbors - BIPOC, immigrant, queer and disabled communities among them - the presence of police removes that feeling of safety and introduces fears of harm or criminalization. Having an urgent unarmed, non-police response builds towards an affirmative future that we wish to live in - one where we address the root causes of harm, poverty and criminalization with compassion and expertise. I am excited that we are building that vision of an interwoven Washtenaw together.”

- Ryan Henyard


Unarmed Response: Coalition for Re-Envisioning Our Safety in Washtenaw County